Population - 13 million
Ecowas - Guinea is a member of Ecowas (economic community of west African states), a single trading bloc made up of 407 million consumers.
As a member of ECOWAS, Guinea benefits from numerous international Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), the most important of which is the ECOWAS-EU EPA, giving unrestricted access to the EU.
Mineral Resources
Guinea is recognized for its great mineral wealth including bauxite, iron, gold, and diamonds. The mining sector currently accounts for over 85% of exports and provides around 20% of government revenue. Guinea is the 3rd largest producer of bauxite in the world.
Bauxite - largest bauxite deposits in the world with 40 billion tonnes of which at least 1% is minded with a grade greater than 40%
Iron Ore - largest untapped iron deposits in the world with 20 billion tonnes of reserves.
Oil - offshore tracts currently being developed with international partners Hyperdynamics Corporation and Dana Petroleum
Gold - third-largest producer in West Africa, potential estimated at 700 tonnes of reserve
Diamonds - 30 million carats of reserves available in primary and secondary deposits
Basic minerals - Guinean territory has 40 million tonnes of limestone and 75 million tonnes of basic minerals, but there are also copper, lead, zinc, cobalt, manganese and nickel etc.

Experience & expertise
Three consultants based in Conakry, with combined commercial experience of 40 years
Understanding on local economy, business activities, and culture gained through education and involvement in Mining, Export & Import, Supply, Real Estate (including relocation and estate services), Business advice, and Local partner matching
Knowledge of Sosso, Manika, Pulaar, and Koniaka languages in addition to French, English, and Russian at the Business Competency level
Established relationships with senior government and business leaders together with an in-depth understanding of economic activities and the regulatory environment
INVESTMENT in Mines, Infrastructures, Agriculture/Agribusiness, Energy, and ICT
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT in transport, supply, education etc
ENHANCING LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE - to support the local community (Social Impact)
RESTORING AND REHABILITATING Mining sites for communities (Social Impact)
INDEPENDENT REPORT assessing local community relations and benefits (Social Impact)