Mozambique is undoubtedly the new el-dorado of raw materials. The country has very important reserves of gas, coal and metals.
Located on the Indian Ocean, Mozambique has a strategic position relative to its landlocked neighbours
Population - 30 million
SADC - Mozambique is a member of SADC which includes 16 countries of Southern Africa. The organization’s main objectives are economic development, peace, security and growth. Free trade agreements between the 16 countries also provide access to a single market.
Mineral Resources
Natural Gas - Discovered in 2012, Mozambique holds about 184 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of approved natural gas reserves and is the 3rd largest holder of proved natural gas reserves in Africa. Mozambique produced about 212 billion cubic feet (Bcf) and exported 148 Bcf of natural gas in 2018.​
Coal - Mozambique holds 1,975 million short tons of coal reserve and export in 2018 about 16 thousand tons ​
Other resources - Heavy sands, Gold, Niobium, Phosphate rock, Titanium, Iron- vanadium, rubies, graphites etc

Experience & expertise
Three consultants based in Maputo with combined commercial experience of 20 years
Understanding on local economy, business activities and culture gained through education and involvement in Mining, Export & Import, Supply, Real Estate (including relocation and estate services), Business advice, Local partner matching
Knowledge of Makhuwa, Changana, languages in addition to Portuguese, French, English and Russian at Business Competency level
Established relationships with senior government and business leaders together with an in-depth understanding of economic activities and the regulatory environment.
INVEST in agriculture - Mozambique has great agricultural potential because it is crossed by many rivers such as the Zambezi. The climate and irrigation have made it possible to develop export crops such as cashews, coconuts, sugar cane, cotton, and tea as well as food crops cassava maize, sorghum, bananas, rice, etc
Ports: Mozambique occupies an ideal position as an exit and entry point for goods produced and purchased by its neighbours
Hydrocarbons, hydroelectricity, tourism, fishing, transport, supply etc
ENHANCING LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE - to support local community (Social Impact)
RESTORING/REHABILITATING mining sites for communities (Social Impact)
INDEPENDENT REPORT assessing local community relations and benefits (Social Impact)