Tanzania is the 4th largest gold producer in Africa, the mining industry has experienced an estimated 8.5% growth in 2017.
Mining is one of the leading sector in Tanzania, with large varieties of minerals such as gold, diamonds, iron ore, silver, cooper, cobalt, nickel, ruby, tanzanite, garnet, limestone, soda ash, salt, phosphate, gypsum, gravel, graphite, sand, dimension stones, and fuel minerals (coal, uranium)
According to the government, mining sector and quarrying activities in Tanzania contributed 5.1% to its GDP with USD 2.96 billion in 2018
Population - 59 million
SADC - Tanzania is a member of SADC which includes 16 countries of Southern Africa. The organization’s main objectives are economic development, peace, security and growth. Free trade agreements between the 16 countries also provide access to a single market.
Mineral Resources
Gold - gold reserves in Tanzania are estimated at about 45 million ounces, the production stood at 39 tonnes in 2018, compared to 43 tonnes in 2017. Tanzania gold production increased by more than 700% over the past 25 years
Iron ore - Tanzania China International Mineral Resources has invested about 1.8 billion at Liganga for establishment of iron ore mine and steel complex to produce 1.0 million tonnes per year.​
Diamonds - Petra Diamonds, through its subsidiary Williamson Diamonds Limited, holds 75% of the ownership rights over the mine, while the remaining 25% are owned by the Government of Tanzania. According to Petra Diamonds, the Williamson mine contains large diamond resources of approximately 38.1 million carats. In 2019, the company achieved the highest level of production at the mine in over 40 years, with 399,615 carats produced (2020: 298,130 carats).
Tanzanite - Tanzanite is found at only one location in the world, the Mererani Hills of Manyara Region in Northern Tanzania. The production of tanzanite is volatile standing at 21.5 tonnes in 2017, compared to 30.9 tonnes in 2016 and 6.4 tonnes in 2015
Coal - Coal reserves in Tanzania are estimated at 1.9 billion tonnes, 25% of which are proven. Coalfields with the highest potential are Ketawaka-Mchuchuma in the Ruhuhu Basin, Ngaka fields in the South-West of Tanzania and Songwe Kiwira fields. Coal is currently exploited in small scale at Kiwira Coal Mine in Mbeya Region and Tancoal Energy Limited Mine at Ngaka in Ruvuma Region. Coal production in Tanzania increased by 155% over the past five years, from 246 tonnes in 2014 to 628 tonnes in 2018
Uranium - Tanzania has found huge deposits of uranium mainly in Namtumbo (Mkuju), Bahi, Galapo, Minjingu, Mbulu, Simanjiro, Lake Natron, Manyoni, Songea, Tunduru, Madaba and Nachingwea. One of the major uranium development projects is the Mkuju River Project with estimated reserves of 182.1 million tonnes

Experience & expertise
Two consultants based in Dodoma and Dar es Salaam with combined commercial experience of 13 years
Understanding of local economy, business activities, and culture gained through education and involvement in Mining, Export & Import, Supply, Real Estate (including relocation and estate services), Business advice, Local partner matching
Knowledge of Swahili language in addition to English, French and Russian at Business Competency level
Established relationships with senior government and business leaders together with in-depth understanding of economic activities and the regulatory environment.
INVEST in Agriculture/Agribusiness and livestock development, Manufacturing Fisheries/Fish processing, Petroleum and Mining, Transport, Communication and Technology, Logistics and Warehouse
ENHANCING LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE - to support local community (Social Impact)
RESTORING/REHABILITATING mining sites for communities (Social Impact)
INDEPENDENT REPORT assessing local community relations and benefits (Social Impact)